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Search Engine


What is SEO?

To learn or not to learn SEO expert image SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the improvement of your website (on-site SEO) and promotion of it (off-site SEO) to gain higher rankings in the Search Engines Results Pages (SERPS).
There are many variables that need to be right before even considering hiring an SEO Expert. Here are some questions you may wish to ask your self in order to qualify to become a client at 1 SEO Experts:
Things To Consider About SEO
* Do I have a good domain name?
* What keywords will cause me to increase revenues?
* Are the keywords I want expensive?
* How many search terms are included in an SEO campaign?
* Do I know how long it will take?
* Can I afford SEO?
* Am I spending my life savings to carry on an SEO Campaign
* What is the reputation of my web host?
* Who owned the domain name before me?
* How old is my domain?
* Is there any adult content on my web host?
* Does my domain name contain the keyword I am competing for?
* Do I have information that is not relevant to my search term?
* How fast is my content delivery?
* Did I hire a web design company to build my website?
SEO FU Masters
SEO is not moving keywords around web pages. There are too many out there who believe in keyword feng shui. How people react to your website means more to your rankings than how many times the word SEO is on your page. Great websites begin with great content. While Google may be an 11 year old unruly child, it is the future and from where all commerce will flow. It just might be best to make friends before it becomes a teenager.
There Is No Secret Formula
So what is the secret? How do I learn how to fool Google? The answer is you do not. You can not be happy with visitors that will be dissapointed when they arrive at your website and then promptly "BOUNCE" (leave your website).
Matt Cutts
Matt Cutts is the best thing to happen to Google ever. He spends a good amount of time informing webmasters on Googles position on various issues that relate to webmasters and how they make their websites.Most of what Matt Cutts and the SEO experts say is good common sense.
For example the use of superlative language on your site pages can seriously damage the extent of your online presence in search engines. Superlative language is: "The best vodka ever" etc. The statement is superlative because it is subjective.
Superlative Language is NOT responsible LSI
If you lie on your website you can not expect Google to feature it. Imagine a search engine with nothing but hype filled results for every search. The team at Google do their very best to make sure their visitors have a positive experience. If they send you visitors, will you provide them with a positive experience? And if your answer is yes, then which experience will each search vector bring?
SEO Expert
There are SEO systems here that are so advanced a former JPL employee applied for a job and promptly crawled into the fetal position. I left him in front of a UNIX terminal for an hour and I returned to find him sitting there starring at the same screen an hour later. My point is there are probably 5 people in the industry I might consider having lunch with.
SEO Breakfast Special
* Domain Names
* Keyword Research
* Content Delivery Speed and Uptime
* ALT Tags
* Links
* Site Structure
* Great Content.
* Flash? Google can't read movies

Who Else Wants The Ultimate SEO Guide?

No spamming, no cloaking, no blog farms, no link exchange networks, no 'black-hat' methods that will get your websites banned - just the best kept SEO secrets, guaranteed to generate an avalanche of free search engine traffic.
With these secrets your website can rank #1 on Google for all of your top keywords. What makes me so sure? Because I do it every day, in any niche I choose, every time, and I can show you can quickly and easily do the same.
You can literally create Traffic and Money On Demand if you follow this easy system.
It is not rocket science... All you have to do is follow my simple step-by-step system... a system that I've tweaked, tested and refined over the last 7 years.
My name is David Jenyns and despite the fact that I've been marketing online since early 2001, you won’t know me because I move in different circles to you. I’m not an internet marketing 'guru' or part of any 'IM boys' club'. I only began studying internet marketing to promote my own non-IM business.
What's my business? I’m a stock trader and I used to work for one of the largest brokers in the country and then later trained other wannabe traders. In short, I have a knack for building profitable stock market systems and teaching others how to do the same.
Over the years I’ve built an extremely successful business selling ‘how to’ information products in one of the most viciously competitive niches online.
Type 'trading system' into Google – you’ll see what I mean. At last count, 46,500,000 pages battle it out for that one keyword and, according to Google, if you use their adwords program they'll sting you $5.04 per click!
But what if I told you I get that traffic for free?!
Watch the video above and I'll show you how I rank #1 out of 46 million websites for the keyword 'trading system' and more importantly, how you can do the same.
Want to find out more about my SEO guide?

What are The Benefits of Directory Submission?

Before even talking about benefits, do you know what directory submission is? It is a concept similar to the yellow pages, or directory assistance. Essentially, it gets your website listed in different web directories. Now, what are the benefits or directory submission?

Directory submission gets your website known to a wider number of people. Two web directories are Google and Yahoo. It is just like opening a phone directory. All you will see are business or personal listings arranged alphabetically. If you are looking for a certain service, it would be so easy to look it up. But did you notice that some listings are larger than others, bolder or more colorful? The business that did that had to pay more, but it is a justified expense because your eyes tend to zoom in on the large box or the bold print. Isn̢۪t it true that you normally would call that highlighted business, simply because it is bigger or bolder?

The same principle works with web directories. Submitting your website into a directory means getting your website indexed. It lets people know you exist and that you are open for business. It gets you noticed.

Another benefit of directory submission are the links. It has one way links or links exchanged with other complimentary sites. For example, if you are a website for men and their hobbies, you could have links with retailers of certain gadgets and toys, and vice versa. This can help drive more people to visit your website. Thus, it can boost your search engine optimization.

Why would you want to do this? If the purpose of building a website was to one day be able to sell it or tie up with a larger website, for an obscene amount of money, then you need to get your website known. A huge source of revenue, aside from a buy out, would come from advertisers.

If advertisers become familiar with your website, and notice how much attention you are getting from their market, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will want to work with you. The more advertisers you have, the higher your income potential. The higher your income potential, the more chances someone out there will want to partner with you or buy you out. Thus, another success story for others to envy.

I would assume that the reason you started a website was in the hope that you could become successful. Then you need directory submission. The benefits of directory submission are too strong to disregard.

Most directories do not charge for listings, but if they do, the fee is minimal. It is also worth the cost. So, why not look for the best professionals to help you fast track your success story? Whatever you decide on, one things for sure, you essentially have nothing to lose, and everything to gai

What it Means To Be a Search Engine Marketing Professional ?

There's a lot of stuff posted on search engine forums and newsletters around the world about how companies who spam the search engines are unethical, and that it's important to hire only "ethical SEO consultants" or "ethical search engine marketers."
But, if you think about it, ethics is not something that's quantifiable. What makes any given SEO technique ethical or unethical? Isn't ethics more of a way of life than a method for doing something? Is trying to trick the search engines really unethical? Sure, it's stupid, in my opinion, but is it really unethical? I don't believe that those who practice what I sometimes refer to as "shady SEO techniques" can necessarily be classified as unethical. Just as everyone who follows every search engine rule can't automatically be assumed to be ethical.
What we should instead be discussing is which companies are SEO professionals and which are just out for a buck. This is true in every industry, not just SEO. If the people in our industry can remember this when trying to create a professional SEO organization (and there are many factions trying to do this), it will go a lot smoother. It's really quite simple. My friend Alan Perkins, who is a champion of "professional SEO," pointed out a definition of professional to me recently. It says in part:


"What defines a professional?"

"A professional is a person who, by education, training, and experience, performs work, analyzes and solves problems, makes decisions, and promotes ethics associated with a particular field of study." - A. Carol Rusaw, Learning by Association, HRD Quarterly, Summer 1995."
They go on to list some criteria for defining a professional. The one that really jumped out at me was this:
"[The] Professional assumed to know what is good for the client better than the client."

That really hits the nail on the head. It would be easy for any of us to say, "Sure, why not, I'll take your money and just tweak your Meta tags" when asked to do so by a client. Of course it would be easy money. But would it be right if you knew that doing so probably wouldn't really help their site be found in the search engines? Not in my opinion; nor would it be professional SEO.
So what about when a potential client comes to you saying "we know exactly what we need" because they read somewhere how SEO should be done. They ask you for a proposal to create 10 zebra (doorway) pages for their site. They don't want you to touch the actual pages of their site, they just want pages that live on the "fringes" of the site. You know, the kind that only the search engines will find (because you added a link way down low on the home page to a sitemap of all the zebra pages). Once the user arrives at one of the pages from the search engines, they're basically forced to click an extra time to finally arrive at the real site that they wanted to begin with.
Should you give the client a quote for this even though you know in your heart that it's not necessarily the best way to optimize their site? Certainly, creating those pages that way couldn't really be considered unethical or anything. But what if you see that their current site already has tons of great content pages? They really don't need to add zebra pages, they just need to tweak their current content a bit to make sure they're using words that real people use when searching.
Or perhaps they just need to make sure the search engines can easily spider through the site and find all that great content, e.g., turn dynamic URLs into static URLs.
What do you do if when you explain this to the client, they're still set on using those zebra pages? They refuse to make changes to their actual pages (cuz someone told them they shouldn't have to!), and even though the site will be much improved by making these changes, no amount of cajoling will convince them of this. So what do you do then? Do you do things the way they want you to? Do they really know better than you, the SEO professional?
If I were in this situation, and I couldn't persuade them how wrong, unnecessary and shortsighted their preferred technique was, I'd have to turn down the job altogether. Yeah, it's hard to turn down some decent money that a job like that could bring. I mean, you could probably even create those zebra pages using WPG's Page Generator, and give them some fancy new name. They're really not zebra pages...these ones would be giraffe pages! It could be good money for little work. And after all...it IS what the client wants, right?
There are plenty of ways you can justify it to yourself. But the bottom line is that it's your job as a professional SEO to do what you know in your heart is right. If it means you don't get that particular job, then so be it. There will be other jobs. And there will be other clients that appreciate your looking out for their site's long-term well-being.  Seriously. The money you lose from declining that type of work will be made up in so many different ways. You can bank on it!